Vuurtorenweg 184
1795 LN De Cocksdorp
For questions call the reception desk at Ecomare:
+31 222 317741
Do you want to submit a complaint? Click here.
A ticket to visit the lighthouse costs € 6.00
Free admission for children aged 4 or younger
To visit, you need an online ticket with time slot.
From 15 Feb to 2 Nov: every day from 10am to 5pm
From 3 Nov to 21 Dec: Wed, Sat and Sun from 10am to 5pm
From 21 Dec to 31 Dec: every day from 10am to 5pm (except Christmas Day)
To visit, you need an online ticket with time slot.
Which cookies are placed?
Below you see an overview of the placed cookies and the permission.
Concluding remarks
We will have to amend this statement every once in a while, For example because our website or the rules regarding cookies, change. We are always allowed to change the content of the statements and the cookies that are included in the lists at any time and without prior warming. We recommend regularly consulting this web page for the latest version, to assess whether you wish to revise the permission.
The Privacy Statement of Lighthouse Texel applies to the personal data that is processed by Lighthouse Texel.