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Kikkert’s struggle


The Eierland Grounds off of Texel form the most dangerous part of the Dutch coast. Countless ships have perished here.

Map of wrecks

On this chart from 1854, you can see that many ships perished off the Texel’s northern coast up till then. The shipping routes in this part of the North Sea were far from safe.


That is why the Texel’s notary Johannes Ludovicus Kikkert lobbied for having  a lighthouse built at the northern tip of Texel. In those days, that meant many letters and conversations. It took him ten years to get permission and collect enough funding

In 1864, the lighthouse was completed. Kikkert was allowed to ignite the light

Striking building

Since then, Texel has a striking building, a beacon for shipping and a splendid  lookout tower. This is the lighthouse on a postcard from 1910.